$2 Dollar Make You Holler!!!

Geez! You would think with the name of this blog and my latest title that there is something seedy going on here. Hah, rest assure that I’m not a fashion hoochie mama. Well come to think of it with the price that I payed for this dress I sort of am.  It came with the tags attached and was originally a whopping $253!!! Pretty pricey right? But never fear! The Cheap Diva is here! This beauty was purchased at a local consignment shop for $2 bucks! Yes TWO DOLLARS! Now some people may be hesitant to shop at second hand store but I’m not! I just think of it as vintage shopping. If it was good enough for Carrie Bradshaw then it’s good enough for me! Let me give you a closer look at the detail on the dress….

Cute right! You will have to excuse the camera phone pick but I’m looking into a Cheap Diva way for a new camera. I wore this to our Peabody Rooftop Party ealier this season so if your itching for a more professional picture of the dress here ya go!

Yea baby! In my head I’m saying…”They only think I payed a heap of money for this dress!” Want another look?

I think the crowd loved it 🙂 Oh, and by the way…that hair in my ponytail has a secret. Check back for another post on that! Hope you all are having a Cheap Diva kind of  day!

~ Hugs and Smiles~ R!LEY COUTURE!

3 Comments on $2 Dollar Make You Holler!!!

  1. Tiera M Dorsey
    June 17, 2011 at 8:56 am (14 years ago)

    Beautiful dress, awesome site :-)…can’t wait for more

  2. Melissa Dixon
    September 15, 2011 at 3:13 pm (13 years ago)

    We love Sugar Plum Consignments. I saw that dress when it was there. You look wonderful in the dress!

  3. Bethany Strickland
    September 15, 2011 at 4:00 pm (13 years ago)

    Great place to shop! Melissa is the best at finding deals!


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