Drinkable Angel Food Cupcake?

I love a good glass of wine but I’m not into paying $30 bucks for something that’s going to last all of four glasses in my house. About a year ago I discovered the Cupcake Vinyards brand of wine and I instantly fell in love. All of their wines taste really smooth and at around $11.00 a bottle it’s one of my go-to’s. I usually go for their Pino Grigio or Moscato but I was looking for a little something different tonight. Along came the Angel Food Wine test.

So you don’t have to bust out with your magnifine glass here is the description from the website.

“Made with premium chardonnay grapes as a base, this proprietary white blend is luscious, aromatic and delightfully reminiscent of an Angel Food cupcake. Flavors of baked Granny Smith apple and hints of toasty vanilla combine for a creamy mouthfeel that has become a signature of Cupcake Vineyards.”

Sounded delicious enough for a test drive…..

I don’t really know if I tasted Angel Food cupcakes but I did like it. While looking over the site I found another cake wine I really want to try…RED VELVET! YUM!

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ R!LEY COUTURE

WTF is THAT????

I know this is a far cry from my usual posts about the great deals I got on shoes and beauty products but this thing scared the crap out of me this morning so I figured it was worth sharing. First of all, what the heck is that thing? And second, what was it doing in the stairwell of my aparment? Did somebody lose their pet or was their a breakout in the strange lizard cage at the Memphis Zoo today? I mean just look at its creepy spider looking fingers…Blaaacccccchhk! Gives me the heebie-geebies just looking at the picture! I’m lucky I wasn’t wearing stilettos when I was coming down the stairs! I must admit I jumped a little when I saw this mini-monster and that would have been a sprained ankle situation for sure!

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ R!LEY Couture

Salvaged Shirts

Lately I have been obsessing over these sheer button down blouses for summer. They go with everything!!! I got a super cute pair of lace shorts and I wanted to wear one of these shirts with. However, everywhere that I looked I was finding ones that were upwards of $40-$50 bucks. They were even that pricey on Ebay! Nope. Not spending that much. I finally found a super cute on at Marshall’s for $12.99.

It’s super cute on and so comfy! I loved this one so much that I decided to try and find one in black. Welp, I wasn’t finding black blouses like this one anywhere so I got crafty in my shopping tactics. Hmmmmmm where does one go for something that’s simple but ultra hard to find? I took a chance and headed off to the Salvation Army. I’m never to proud to by something used. Er, ah, vintage. I went on a Tuesday and apparently all of the clothes are 50% off on that day. I really didn’t take me long to find this super cute black blouse.

It looked like it had never even been worn too! I have a really cute pair of beige and black faded jean shorts I want to rock this with. And the grand total for this one…..drum roll please…..It was a whopping $1.50!! Go me!

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ R!LEY COUTURE

Shoes to Match the Mood!

Grrrrrrrrrrrr! LOL! Yesterday I posted about how I was in a bit of a Grrrrrrr type mood but I perked right up when I came home to a package waiting for me. It was these fabulous shoes that I ordered off Ebay last week. Isn’t it amazing how a pair of shoes can pluck you right out of slugsville into candy land? Your going to die when I tell you how much I payed for them….you sitting down? They were just $20.00 plus shipping! I cannot wait to wear them and have my feet growling at people as I walk by! Haha! I AM WOMAN! HEAR MY FEET ROAR! Leave me a comment and I’ll let you know where you can get this pair in nude 🙂

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ R!LEY COUTURE

Oh! And can you tell I’ve been playing with my new camera?


What do you see when you look at this picture? A cute puppy? An annoyed mongrel that is about to bite you? Or perhaps a little bit of both. I think this picture spot on depicts how I feel today. Normally I’m a pretty bubbly chick….unless provoked that is. Admittedly I have been having a bit of a grouchy day and I posted about my mood on my Facebook status. Now before you start formulating your comments about how Facebook is a public forum and I shouldn’t post things and not expect opinions and blah blah blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. I KNOW THIS. Its just that frankly I didn’t feel like hearing it today. And ya know what? I’m allowed that right just like everybody else. The other day someone asked a question I commomly get asked. “What is the best and worst part of your job?” Well the best and worst thing are almost at a tie. A love and hate thing if you will. The best thing is meeting so many people and knowing that what I do makes them happy. I love to shake hands with the people that listen to me because on my bad days ( like today) I often get those listeners that perk me right up and remind me that what I do on a day to day basis means something. Sort of like having friends out there that you don’t even know that are supporting you. But then every so often there is Mr. Sarcasm or Mr. Judgmental that comes along and forbids me to be a human being. I talk on the radio therefore I am not allowed to be sad . I am not allowed to have problems. I am not allowed to express myself unless its to the amusement of others. GRRR. (Deep Breath). I am a women. Its is “that time.” Bear with me. Going to get chocolate and Cheezits.

~ Hugs and (Grrr) Smiles ~ R!LEY COUTURE

Blurry Pictures Be Gone!

Since the beginning of CheapDiva.com I have been saying that I wanted to get a good camera that can catch details and gives crystal clear pics. I always try to show you the deatil in the things I’m describing but with my crappy phone camera it either takes me 50 tries to get a semi clear photo or I get frustrated and settle for a burry one. I can’t count the number of times I have aplogized in a post for the picts being terrible. Well NO MAS! Please welcome my newest playtoy the Canon – EOS Rebel T3i 18.0-Megapixel DSLR Camera with 18-55mm Lens 

Dang that’s a mouthful! Isn’t she purrrrty! LOL she better be because she wasn’t cheap! Although I did get a little bargain on her! Best Buy had her on sale online for $789.99 but the ticket price in the store was $849.99. I asked the clerk about it and he said they match the website prices. As I always say… ask and ye shall receive! This was by no means an inexpensive purchase but with all of the important events coming up in my life I wanted great pictures. Oh and it takes HD video too!! Bow-chicka-bow-wow! Hahahaha TOTALLY KIDDING YOU PERVS! 🙂 I’ll be posting my practice shots soon!

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ R!LEY COUTURE


You know spring is officially here for me when I start eyeing cute flowy dresses. I have been wanting a dress with a hem that drapes down further in the back than the front for awhile now and lucky for me this one was waiting for me at Ross. I’m guessing its the inner princess in me that likes the idea of being able to wear a semi train causally. An added plus of cuteness are the cut outs in the sleeves.  Sort of makes me feel like I should be vacationing in Greece or something.

I checked the price tag and it was right up my ally!

As long as it fit I was ready to give this dress a nice home inside my closet. Here’s where I ran into a snag.

One of the sleeves was torn. I knew it would only take a simple stitch or two and the dress would be back to new. However I’m never one to pass up the chance to slice some change off the price.  Ross gives 10% off items that are stained or have small tears but this was a big rip so I asked what percentage they could take off.  Ask and ye shall receive! I got an additional 20% off so the grand total came to about $7.50!

Can’t wait to sport this dress with the Fergie Pumps I got a while ago!

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ R!LEY COUTURE

One of these is not like the Other

Thanks to Pinterest coconut oil has been my new obsession! I have been using it for everything from sugar scrubs, to cooking,  to deep conditioner. My next project with this wonder product will be lotion bars and lip balm. Now mind you this stuff is not exactly cheap and I tend to use a lot in my recipes. I bet your looking at the caption thinking “Um those are exactly the same product.” Yes, they are but the difference is the price. Coconut oil isn’t exactly easy to find so when first looking for it I just went to the Whole Foods Store and bought it for $12.99. That isn’t that bad of a price but I’m always looking to one-up myself. I went into Walmart to see if they had it, which surprisingly the did have some near  the pharmacy (where they keep the dietary stuff). Its was $8.99 but it was a smaller jar and a different brand. I figured that since you can cook with it I would check the cooking oil section. BINGO! It got it for $5.99! Another awesome thing about buying this type of coconut oil is that if your a crafty devil like me you can reuse the jar for candle making!

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ R!LEY COUTURE

I Trumped Myself!!

Sorry for the crappy blurry phone pic! So Versace Pour Homme is the fiance’s all time favorite smelly-good. Little bugger has expensive taste doesn’t he? LOL! A few months ago I blogged about how I got the the 1.7 oz bottle for $30.00 when its regularly $46.00. Well I am proud to say that I  have officially trumped myself! We went to the big flea market at the Agricenter a few weekends ago and found quite a few goodies. I am super strange for this I know, but Flea Markets make me so happy. I love finding little do-dads that you can’t really find anywehere else. Plus the people watching is awesome 🙂 At one of the booths we saw a bunch of cologne and perfume and I figured it would be worth a shot to check it out.

SCORE! We found the 3.4 ounce bottle of the Versace Pour Homme for $40.00!! It’s usually $74..00! Yay for flea markets!

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ R!LEY COUTURE

No Shoes Allowed! Sad Face!

First off I need to get this book, and second,the title is just about how I felt all day today  I gave up shopping for myself for lent and should have known better than to go into Ross. I didn’t even bother to take a picture of the shoes for you because having that teaser on my phone would most likely lure me back in there. I really shouldn’t be complaining about it though. I have noticed in the last few years I have become a tad materialistic. I may be the cheap kind of materialistic but materialistic none the less. I mean I save before I spend, and I love giving to others but I have found myself buying things when I dont really need them. Being a shopaholic isn’t a sin to end the ages but I think I just want to calm down with the shoe hoarding for a minute. Or at least until after lent. So being that I cant buy things for myself I have been a busy little bee with my crafting. Hey, I may be buying stuff for the crafts but its not for me so it doesn’t count 🙂 I am actually getting pretty swift at making pretty little goodies out of ordinary things. Check out this candle I made out of a vintage glass teacup that I got at Goodwill for 59 cents!

My stupid phone camera really doesn’t give justice to how cute this thing is! I so need to get a new camera. You see….there I go again. I hand melted the candle wax out of some wax cubes I got at the dollar store and the roses are made of felt that I hand rolled. I never new how therapeutic hand rolling felt into roses could be. I’ve been dabbling in jewelry making too!

Yep ladies and gents! I made that with my own two little hands. Some pearl beads, some wire, a chain and MEH! Easy peasy! I even put the clasp together which actually was a big fat pain in the arse but the end result was worth it. I think I’ll be giving this to one of my aunts for Easter.

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ R!LEY COUTURE

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